WORKSHOP SET #1 (Saturday @ 10:00 AM)
"The Business of Music" taught by Tavi Jinariu. In this workshop Tavi Jinariu will share practical ways in which guitarists can leverage the skills acquired in the practice room and monetize through various business avenues. The music business is in constant flux and in order to make a living as a musician, playing guitar is no longer good enough.
"Troubleshooting Right Hand Technique with Scales and Arpeggios" taught by Jack Sanders. In this workshop, you will learn how to effectively use scales and arpeggios to resolve problems and make steady improvement in your playing.
"Flamenco Techniques for Classical Guitarists" taught by Jason Mguire (El Rubio). This workshop is an introduction to the famous flamenco strums known as "rasgueados" and other quintessential flamenco techniques. Learn how to avoid wimpy strums and infuse your guitar playing with powerful rasqueados for greater performance effectiveness.
(El Rubio)
"Recording Techniques for Classical/Flamenco Guitar" taught by Grammy Award winner engineer, Mauricio Gasca. A recording studio that used to cost in the upwards of 1 mil. dollars can now be readily available in a small laptop. In this workshop, Mauricio Gasca demonstrates practically how to record your classical guitar and how to best utilize the gear that is available to you. This workshop is limited to 15 registrants due to the limited studio space.
"Learn to Play a Flamenco Solea in 45 Minutes" taught by Caro. In this hands-on workshop you will learn the basics of flamenco compas (rhythm) and learn how to play an authentic solea with step by step instruction. Keep the mystery but take the intimidation factor out of flamenco with Caro's help.
WORKSHOP SET #2 (Sunday @ 10:00 AM)
"So, You Want to Write Your Own Music" In this workshop, Christina Sandsengen will provide practical ways in which one can transition from playing established repertoire to playing personal compositions. What does the process look like? When does a composition qualify as completed? How can a composer convey specific imagery through guitar timbers and note choices?
"The Art of Practicing" taught by Tomasz Fechner. This workshop will provide you with very practical ways to approach your practice time. If progress is your goal, your practice time must be wisely structured and your approach must be that of a problem solver instead of a performer. How does one tackle difficult passages? What repertoire should one select based on his/her realistic technical level? Learn how to infuse your practice with purpose and see your progress sky-rocket.
"Troubleshooting Right Hand Technique with Scales and Arpeggios" taught by Jack Sanders. In this workshop, you will learn how to effectively use scales and arpeggios to resolve problems and make steady improvement in your playing.
"Flamenco Techniques for Classical Guitarists" taught by Jason Mcguire (El Rubio). This workshop is an introduction to the famous flamenco strums known as "rasgueados" and other quintessential flamenco techniques. Learn how to avoid wimpy strums and infuse your guitar playing with powerful rasqueados for greater performance effectiveness.